Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Amazon Last Day

Before we fly out of The Amazon we have one last place to visit..It starts with a boat ride to Fundo Neisser,which is a private reserve where more than five species of tropical primates are protected and readied to return to the jungle eventually. We saw lots of young naughty monkeys,a mata turtle (big & very ugly) an anaconda,spider monkey who was very old and lay presiding on the counter snoozing.Many parrots,a macaw and a toucan,plus high up in a tree was a 3 toed sloth who moved down the tee trunk so slowly that we were gone before he was even halfway!It was really inspiring to see that so much care is taken to protect the wildlife with so many taken from the market where they sell them. Saying goodbye to our jungle home brought a sad feeling as we realised that our trip to Peru was coming to an end. We flew out of Iquitos and landed in Lima where we stayed our last night in Peru at the San Antonio Hotel again.This time we were put in an enormous suite where we overlooked the city.As it was late ,we ordered room service and had a delicious omelette which we shared. Little did we know what lay ahead for us tomorrow and the easy flight to Santiago & then our flight home was about to go horribly wrong! The earthquake off Santiago (which we knew nothing about) had thrown all flights in and out to be cancelled.We ended up having to fly to Los Angeles where we had to spend a day and night before we got a flight home to Sydney via Melbourne. So apart from the foming home fiasco with airlines,we had the adventure of a lifetime and loved every single second of being in PERU !!!

Amazon 2nd and 3rd day

Off to a hearty breakfast after a good nights sleep and ready to get into the Amazonian spirit and try fishing for those nasty little creatures who are known for their razor teeth and vicious appetite.It turned out to be fun as I proudly caught 2 of the little buggers!It was getting very very hot just sitting in that little open boat we continued on and enjoyed the tranquillity of this stunning environment.We were so very lucky to spot the famous pink dolphins but was difficult to get a decent photo as they are shy creatures but we did see them. We travelled further up the river where we were taken to the remote village of the Yaguana Indians.We learned about their culture and traditions as our guide shares the history of these peaceful people.We were invited to join in a dance which was fun and afterwards we were taken outside where some of our group tried poison dart blowing..We also got to hold a baby sloth who clung on so gently it was like holding a human baby.These were really lovely gentle people and so happy we had this experience. Back to the lodge after a full day of new experience and a delicious dinner to top it all off..Relaxed with friends later and had the barman make us a yummy lemon squash.. Next day we are off to explore the village of Indiana but first we travel to Timicuro and then board a motorcar(read tuk tuk) to Mazan village on the banks of the Napo River..We wandered through the village markets and were horrified by all the butchered animals etc..But this is their food and everything is eaten.Nothing goes to waste..This village looked very poor and very dirty with rubbish everywhere. Back into our motorbikes and enjoyed a drive through the tropical jungle and passed a thatched cottage every now and then.Refreshing after the stifling village of Mazan. Back to our boat for the trip back to the lodge and those stairs..again...After a full and exciting day,it was so nice to cool down with a shower and get ready for our evening dinner.

9th September 10th September

Leaving Puno today and flying to Lima where we can spend the rest of the day at leisure. Tonight we will say goodbye to our tour manager Elvis with a lovely dinner of Peruvian specialties.It was a lovely dinner and many thanks given to a great guy who did his utmost to make sure we all enjoyed our time with him and saw and did everything we hoped for. Tomorrow we fly to Iquitos to start a new adventure in the Peruvian Amazon. Iquitos is the fascinating capitol of the Peruvian Amazon and as we stepped off the plane we were hit with the full force of the humidity.Taking refuge in the airport and then a quick transfer to our air conditioned bus and we were off into the chaos that is the mad traffic of this place!! Crazy little tuk tuk like taxis that take death defying risks weaving in and out between cars,trucks & buses.Amazed we arrived at the wharf unscathed!! Descending down wooden stairs to board the Amazon Queen which is taking us to our lodge further up the mighty Amazon.We were given a tasty lunchbox on board as the trip took a good hour before we reached the landing for Ceiba Tops Lodge which was to be our home for the next 3 nights.More stairs to test our stamina and our lungs! Did this a few more times before our stay was over!! The lodge was fantastic and set in amongst the jungle with wooden walkways to get to our rooms and all the other amenities..Air conditioners in our rooms..What bliss!!!!! Once we checked in we were taken on a guided walk to begin exploring the rainforest under a sweeping canopy of towering trees blanketed in moss,orchids and ferns.Such a beautiful part of the world. Tonight we have a buffet dinner in the lodge where we all chatted and laughed together while swapping stories of our trip so far. Retreated to our cool room after a long day and talked about what was on for tomorrow.Firstly Piranha fishing..Not sure how that will go!!

8th September

After another comfy night at Jose Antonio Hotel Cusco we left early in the morning by bus for the long drive to Puno.Travelling across the immense plateaus where we see llamas & alpacas (camelids)grazing. En Route we visit the largest Inca temple ever discovered at Raqchi,the 15th century Temple of Wiracocha.A great testament to the builders that these are still standing today.Very impressive. Back on the bus and we are all looking forward to our next stop at a village school where we give our gifts to the children.They're such happy little kids and loved showing us their workbooks. ln the afternoon we arrive at Puno and the impressive Lake Titicaca.It sits at 12,500ft above sea level and backdropped by the snowcapped peaks of Bolivia's Cordillera Range..We are staying overnight here at Hotel Royal Inn Puno.All our accommodations have been exceptional and mostly 4*. Onto the boat that will take us out to the reed islands.Quite strange with reeds all around that houses wildlife.Arriving at the floating Uros Islands,we step onto the densely matted reeds underfoot.The people are all dressed in traditional clothes and we are given a demonstration on just how these islands are formed..We are invited to have a look inside some of their homes and are amazed how many fit into 1 tiny room..There were only little kiddies there and they were very shy.Nco teenagers or young girls.Apparently they leave to live in Puno & attend schools & Uni. After getting back to Puno there is free time or an optional tour of the Sillustani Tombs.A pre Incan burial ground on the shores of Lake Umayo. It entailed quite a long steep climb so I waited down near the lake while Terry and a couple of others ventured on.Terry met a lady who had a baby vicuna which she allowed him to pat & have a photo taken.

6th September & 7th September

Today is MACHU PICHU Day !!!!! Left Urumbamba and drove to Ollanta train station to board the Expedition Train which will take us past fields with crops growing.Wonderful views of mountains that are starting to have their tops iced with snow.The glass domes on train roof give ample opportunity for some top shots.We travel alongside the Urumbamba River where any flat area beside it is used for crops.Lots of glimpses of farmers and their animals going about everyday tasks.All in the colourful clothes the women wear. The train winds through misty peaks & begins to give us an indication how high we are going.Arrived at the town of Machu Pichu and transferred to a bus for a very hairy,winding road to take us up to the entrance.It was a very hot,sunny day so lots of sunscreen and drinking water essential. The only downside was the amount of people here to do the climb.Thousands!! It was a Sunday so there were lots of locals as well as us outsiders. I started off full of bravado and only got about 100 metres when ready to back out and give up..The height worried me but Terry and the wonderful guide Oscar were right there beside me with a steady hand and words of encouragement to help me reach the top..I am forever grateful.To have missed this experience would have haunted me forever.. Back to Cusco.We have a free day today and decided not to do any optional tours.A decision to walk up to the plaza went bad when I started to feel ill so back to the hotel and bed for me.Terry went for a walk around town and got his shoes polished for 1 sol.By the time he got back I felt better so we walked a little way to where he had seen a great little restaurant and had a really yummy pizza and a pisco sour. All of a sudden there was a lot of noise and music happening outside in the street..It was a parade!The like of which we hadn't seen before.Thousands of children and adults dressed in so many different costumes as well as cars all decorated.All this happening in the middle of the road with drivers & taxis & buses all pushing their way through the middle of the parade!! Utter chaos with every driver's hand on the horn!! So funny but we were holding our breath waiting for an accident.

4th September 5th September

Cusco!! Had an early wake up at 5am & off to airport for flight to Cusco.Smooth flight again(how lucky are we?)and looking down over the city it looks very flat and dry.Met our wonderful guides Elvis and Oscar.As we left the airport we drove through some pretty sad looking parts of town.Rubbish everywhere with dogs & people rummaging through it. Had been looking forward to today as we are stopping at Chincherro for a lunch & weaving demonstration.The ladies were dressed in traditional clothes and looked very colourful as they showed the process from the start..Lots of their wares to buy and nice to know they were really handmade.The women also prepared the lunch which was all vegetarian except we tried some cuy(guinea pig).Too many small bones but glad I tried it. We had booked a dinner that night at a local restaurant which was very nice and entertained with a traditional pipe player.Bought his cd called PachMama.Very restful listening. We continued on to Urumbamba Sacred Valley staying at San Augustin Urumbamba Hotel which is set in lovely grounds with mountains as a backdrop. Today is Sacred Valley and Ollantaytambo Ruins.In the morning we decided to join in an optional side tour to Maras & Moray and then do the breathtaking Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo in the afternoon. Moray is an amphitheatre with terraces that were used to test which crops would grow in each layer.An ancient CSIRO !!Quite awesome in it's size . Ollantaytambo !! The terraces soared skywards forever while below were stunning ruins of temples..It was a wonderful feeling wandering through such an ancient historical site that was so much more than pictures in a travel brochure!Loved this place .. Back to Urumbamba and our hotel where my husband took to his bed with a fierce headache from altitude..Coca tea and lollies to try and help but in the end it was lots of sleep and against his protests,a Nurofen which did the job!!Because he felt ill he didn't go to the dinner that night with a Peruvian family in their own home.The dinner was delicious with potatoes the main ingredient.No guinea pigs to eat but they did escape their pen and were running around under our feet! Definitely not pets but kept like chickens until ready for the pot..

2nd & 3rd September

Finally, as we stepped onto our Qantas flight to Santiago the excitement of starting this adventure sank in.The whole flight was smooth with lots of movie choices to help keep out the noise of a few crying babies . Our first contact on arrival at Santiago airport was with was customs and then through to wait for flight to Lima.Smaller plane this time but still had a smooth uneventful flight.(no babies!) We were all met by our guide & taken by airconditioned bus to a very nice 4* hotel.Feeling relaxed we ventured down to the bar & ordered our first pisco sour..delicious!! Chatted with an American couple from another tour company who thought we were English!!Get that a lot from Americans... Off to bed for a good night's sleep as tomorrow we are off on a tour of the city.. Woke up to typical Lima weather..humid,misty..Doesn't rain here ,only a misty drizzle oh and did I mention HUMID! Architecture is very mixed.Some Inca remains as well as some very old private houses built by the wealthy..Also some VERY poor areas. Toured through a beautiful,very old church where we were taken deep below into catacombs where thousands of bones& skulls had been stored..Very macabre.. Out in the main plaza which is opposite the Presidential Palace(he wasn't home!)it was quite confronting to see soldiers with rifles either in groups or pairs guarding the palace.They did let tourists take photos with them. Drove past Kennedy Park which is famous for it's cat population..They were everywhere.Up trees,in flower beds.Quite a sight to see.Also saw lots of vultures on rooftops which reportedly supposed to keep down the pigeon population.Not doing a very good job that we could see!!Drove down to Miraflores beach area where a lot of restoration is being done.Not much surf and only a handful of surfers. We booked in for a dinner and show tonight.So glad we deceded to do it as it was awesome..Dinner was a buffet with really nice mix of food.The floor show was breathtaking with dancers from different areas of Peru..Very vibrant and great music.. Off to CUSCO tomorrow!!