Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Preparing for Peru Adventure

This has been a dream of ours for many years and now we're in a position to do this big adventure it's all systems go !!
Being pensioners and not speaking Spanish,it was important to choose a tour company that would look after us and provide English speaking guides..
Our original plan was to travel through as many Sth American countries as we could but reality set in when we started adding up the cost..We think Australia is big but after working out about 9 internal flights were needed to do all of it and lots more finance needed, we had to whittle it down to the one place that took piority over others..That was Peru.
After that decision was made,our next dilemma was which tour company..Gate 1 Travel hasn't been operating in Australia for very long but had been in the US for over 30 years..They offered us 14 days with 4 star accom.and return airfares (Qantas& Lan) plus all internal flights included for under $9000 for the 2 of us..
We leave on 2nd September so there's not too long to go.! 
Travel Insurance,Vaccinations & exchange our money to be done next...